Project Description
Year: 2023
Amount: € 6.800,-
Place: Merauke
Imagine yourself applying for a job but never in your life even touched a computer, nor speak English or have good writing and speaking skills. Without saying the chances are that you will not stand a chance. In Papua this will be no different. Our local partner in Merauke (South Papua), Papua Mandiri Sentosa, trains as many Papuan young people as possible in these basic skills, in order for them to find a paid job or study soon. This year there is room for about 65 young people.
Papuans are marginalized and discriminated against in their own country. This mindset is reflected in the classroom. The Indonesian education system does not suit the living environment of the Papuans and lessons are given in a language (Bahasa Indonesia) that many Papuan young people are not familiar with. This outlines the field of tension within which Papua Mandiri Sentosa (PMS) is active and operational. There are major differences in basic skills between Papuan and transmigrant youth. For example, when it comes to public speaking and drafting a report, but also digital skills. That is problematic, because if you are unable to type out your study reports or hand in your homework digitally, you will not receive a diploma. In addition, you have many times less chance of a paid job.
In the education center of PMS, Papuan youth can brush up on these essential basic skills. Outside school hours, they can go to the center for writing and speaking lessons, English lessons and computer lessons, among other things. The training courses are given by certified trainers with knowledge of the local context.
Maybe you’ve hear of this project before? That could be right! Hapin previously supported various projects of this organization, including computer training. As of this year, PMS will expand its training offer with writing, reading, speaking and language skills. So that young people are educated in the broadest sense possible and have the same opportunities as their peers.

More about Edo Mote

Sewing class for Asmat mothers
Edo Mote is no stranger to Hapin. In the past he received a scholarship and since then we have been supporting Edo with various projects for the Asmat community in Merauke. This year Edo keeps busy: he recently set up a sewing class for Asmat mothers. Hapin has been asked to help with the purchase of sewing machines and other course costs. During 6 months, 8-10 women will learn how to make products that can be marketed. So that the participants generate income for their family, relatives or village.
About 8,000 people from the Asmat-tribe live in Merauke (South Papua). They moved from small villages in the Asmat region to the city, looking for work and a better life. Unfortunately, they often end up in deprived areas of Merauke due to lack of land and education.

Kombai tribe in inland Papua
Papuan researcher Edo Mote (Merauke) recently obtained a Master in Cultural and Media studies and focuses on research into the transition from tradition to modern times among the Papuans in the deep interior of Papua. He maps out the problem and advises the public administration to involve the local population in this. Edo visited the Upper Digul area in January and February of this year. Mote received a contribution from Hapin for his studies and research.

Student – Edo Mote
The Hapin scholarship program usually focuses on students in the first phase of their studies, the bachelor phase. Yet sometimes there are special requests and we deviate from this rule.