Hapin - Papua Support Foundation

Meet Gilberth (21): ICT Student

Meet Gilberth (21): ICT Student

Gilberth (21) aims to use his IT talents to build a brighter future and help make life a little easier for his parents and siblings.







Gilberth Inarkombu (21) comes from a family of hard workers. His father, Yermias, drives a pedicab, while his mother works as a civil servant. With their modest income, they support a family of seven children, the youngest of whom is five years old. Daily life is busy and expensive. To make ends meet and ensure the children receive a good education, Gilberth’s mother, Herlina, often spends her free time at Mandala Sports Park in Jayapura selling snacks and bottled water. Her older children help her out there as well.

Recently, Gilberth applied for a scholarship from Hapin. He has a talent for Information Technology and a strong desire to pursue this field of study. He enjoys solving complex problems and knows that completing this program will guarantee him a good job with opportunities in Papua. There is a high demand for system administrators and other ICT professionals in the region. “I could see myself working for the police or in the business sector,” says Gilberth. At the same time, he wants to use his skills and knowledge to contribute to his community.

Currently, his parents are stretching their resources thin to cover the tuition fees of his older siblings, while also providing for the younger children’s schooling. Gilberth wants to ease their burden.

Will you help Gilberth achieve his dream while also giving his parents some financial relief?
A scholarship for Gilberth requires €1,000. You can donate online, via a bank transfer to NL37RABO0444072470 with the reference “Gilberth,” or by scanning the QR code next to this text with your smartphone camera.

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