Hapin - Papua Support Foundation

From classroom to paid job: Empowering Merauke’s youth

From classroom to paid job: Empowering Merauke’s youth

In the past four years, over 500 young people in Merauke (South Papua) have left the Papua Mandiri Sentosa learning center with a certificate in hand. Most of them are still studying. Valuable courses in areas such as computer skills and English help them perform better at university or college. About 10% of former participants are job seekers, which can be a significant challenge for young people of Papuan descent.







Overcoming obstacles

Unfortunately, there is a lot of discrimination in the job market. Additionally, young people do not always feel safe or confident enough to apply for positions in unfamiliar places.

Fortunately, young people can seek guidance from the PMS team. Job seekers can take a course on writing a cover letter and resume, practice job interview skills, and even receive clothing advice. PMS’s support does not end once an employment contract is signed. Throughout the first year, chairman Edo regularly visits the new employee at their workplace to offer advice and encouragement. PMS has also made collaboration agreements with hotels, shops, and other businesses for job and internship placements.

Comprehensive guidance for job seekers

Edo encourages young people to choose jobs that help their community, even if those jobs offer less security and salary. Young people who are already employed serve as role models for new job seekers. This successful method has already helped 20 young people secure jobs. PMS funds its own team and office, while Hapin contributes to the hiring of external teachers.

Your support is essential to continue this important work. Would you like to help?

  • Transfer a donation to: NL37RABO0444072470 with the reference ‘Learning center Merauke’
  • Donate via our website
  • Scan the QR code next to this text with your smartphone camera

Every contribution helps give young people in Merauke a better future. Thank you for your support!

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Edo Mote

Internships for young Papuans Merauke

Many young Papuans do not feel at home in the Indonesian education system, which is also characterized by corruption and mismanagement. These young people are welcome in the education center of Papua Mandiri Sentosa (PMS) in Merauke.


Edo Mote

Computer training for 150 students in Merauke: in action against digital inequality

Send in an application, prepare a school report, online banking, read the newspaper or advertise your company. Just a few examples of situations in which a computer is necessary. That is no different for Papuans than for us. But you also need skills to be able to use a computer. That is why Hapin supports various initiatives of local partners that teach Papuans the much-needed digital skills. Previously in Jayapura and the surrounding area, and now also in the southern city of Merauke. This year, more than 150 students are going to follow a course of their choice.


Edo Mote

Education center for Papuan youth in Merauke

Imagine yourself applying for a job but never in your life even touched a computer, nor speak English or have good writing and speaking skills. Without saying the  chances are that you will not stand a chance. In Papua this will be no different. Our local partner in Merauke (South Papua), Papua Mandiri Sentosa, trains as many Papuan young people as possible in these basic skills, in order for them to find a paid job or study soon. This year there is room for about 65 young people.


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